Board Meeting Schedule

The CLBC Board of Directors meets four times a year on a scheduled basis to fulfill its primary responsibility of guiding the organization’s short and long-term success. Board Meeting times and locations are posted in advance of each meeting.

Meetings are open to the public and the CLBC Board welcomes any person wishing to attend meetings as an observer, and also sets aside time at the beginning of each Board Meeting to hear public presentations and to answer questions. Read the Open Board Meetings Policy here to learn more. Please note that due to privacy considerations, questions relating to specific individuals cannot be addressed.

The Board will exclude the public from a meeting or a portion of a meeting if the subject matter being considered relates to information that must be withheld from disclosure. During the business portion of the Board Meeting, the Board will not take questions from the public but members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting in progress.

Joining a Board Meeting remotely

Members of the public may now join and observe the open portion of CLBC’s Board meetings remotely through MS Teams. To do so, they must register for the meeting ahead of time to receive a meeting link. Note that for security reasons, only those who have registered in advance can join.

For more information, please see the following instructions:

  • To register to attend remotely, simply send your name, email address and request to register to our Board Liaison, Padminee Chundunsing, at including the date of the meeting you wish to attend. You will be sent a link and information sheet on how to use MS Teams.
  • To ask a question of the Board, please download and complete the Q & A Form for CLBC Board Meetings. (Clicking this link will download the form as a Word document). Competed forms can be emailed to
  • To request to make a presentation to the Board, please send the details of your group and proposed topic to

If you would like further information, you can call toll free 1-877-660-2522.

Minutes for past Board Meetings are available on the Board Minutes page.

Upcoming Board Meetings

The meeting agenda will be posted below closer to the meeting date.

Thursday, February 20 from 9:00am to 11:45am (PST)