Get Involved

Join a Community Council

CLBC has 13 volunteer Community Councils across the province. The purpose of the Community Councils is to work collaboratively with community partners to support community inclusion, citizenship and full participation of people with developmental disabilities. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of a Community Council near you, please visit the Community Council section of our website.

Attend a Board Meeting

Our Board of Directors holds Board Meetings which are open to the public. Before the normal business portion of the Board Meeting, the Board sets aside a maximum of 45 minutes to hear presentations from the public and/or to answer questions that members of the public may have. The CLBC Board believes that hearing directly from members of the public about things relating to individuals with developmental disabilities helps the Board do a better job.

When are the meetings held?

The Board is scheduled to meet six times a year. In addition, the Board holds strategy sessions at least annually and may hold additional special meetings as required. Board Meetings are usually in Vancouver. However, CLBC’s Board of Directors believes that it is important to meet and hear from people all around the province who have an interest in the work that CLBC does and the people we serve. Small groups of board members regularly travel to communities throughout the province to visit CLBC funded services and programs.

The date, time and location of all meetings will be listed in advance on the Board Meeting Schedule page


Pursuant to the Community Living Authority Act, Board meetings are open to the public. However, the Board will exclude the public from a meeting or a portion of a meeting if the subject matter being considered relates to information that must be withheld from disclosure. During the business portion of the Board Meeting, the Board will not take questions from the public but members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting in progress.

Contact Us

If you cannot attend a Public Presentation or a Board Meeting, and wish to contact the CLBC Board or Board Chair directly, you can either:

Send us an email at any time to:

Or write to us at:

CLBC Board of Directors
7th Floor, 1200 West 73rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6P 6G5

Are the agendas and presentations available?

If you are not able to attend a meeting but you are interested in what happened, you can access an archive of the Open Board Meeting minutes and Public Presentations in the Board Minutes section.