Other Relevant Policies

In this section of the website you can read CLBC Quality Assurance, Privacy and Organizational policies.
Click here to read policies that explain how CLBC and its staff work with individuals and families to provide supports.
Click here to find all COVID-19 interim guidance documents.
Quality Assurance Policies
Adult Guardianship and CLBC
This policy explains Adult Guardianship and CLBC’s role within the Adult Guardianship law.
The law says that CLBC has to offer help if someone is being:
- Abused (hurt on purpose),
- Neglected (not supported as they need to be), or
- If they are self-neglecting (not able to look after themselves)
The policy has instructions for CLBC staff and service providers in these situations. It also explains how CLBC works with the police, hospitals, and families to keep people safe.
It outlines the role of CLBC staff in responding to concerns and reflect our partnership with the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee to assist the public in knowing how to best support individuals eligible for CLBC supports and services.
Bathing Guidelines Policy
This policy assists CLBC staff and service providers in developing bathing practices that respect an individual’s wish for privacy when bathing or for assistance with other personal care activities while addressing possible risk.
Complaints Resolution Policy
This policy sets out direction for CLBC staff receiving and responding to complaints. It applies to complaints about CLBC responses or services, received from individuals, families, support network members or others.
The Complaints Resolution Policy is a formal safeguard established in part to reduce the vulnerability of individuals supported by CLBC. It reflects the CLBC culture of openness, respect, responsiveness and learning.
Learn about the Complaints Resolution Process and find instructions for filing a complaint.
Criminal Record Check Policy: Service Delivery
CLBC complies with the Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) that sets out mandatory requirements for criminal record checks on persons working with vulnerable adults, which includes all individuals supported by CLBC, in order to help protect those vulnerable adults from financial, physical or sexual abuse.
The CLBC Criminal Record Check Policy: Service Delivery supports CLBC’s compliance with the CRRA as it applies to service providers who work with individuals supported by CLBC.
The CLBC policy also establishes CLBC’s requirement for driver’s abstracts to be completed on persons who may drive individuals supported by CLBC. Criminal record checks and driver’s abstract reviews are a formal safeguard which help ensure the safety and wellbeing of individuals and form part of CLBC’s comprehensive approach to safeguards.
Critical Incidents Policy
A critical incident is a serious or unusual event that involves an individual accessing services funded by CLBC while service is being delivered. Critical incident reporting and response is part of a bigger framework that ensures the overall quality of life of the individuals we serve.
The Critical Incidents Policy, Critical Incident Report and supporting documents below provide guidance on how to:
- accurately identify, respond to and report critical incidents in an appropriate and timely manner
- continuously improve service quality and ensure that necessary supports are made available to individuals
- learn from critical incidents to reduce the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future
Critical Incidents Policy
Critical Incidents Report Form
Click here to access all supporting documents on Critical Incident Reporting, including Q&As, guides and training resources.
End-of-Life Policy
This policy outlines responsibilities of CLBC staff and contracted service providers for the reporting, documenting, and review required following the death of an individual supported by CLBC-funded services.
It also provides guidance to CLBC staff about end-of-life care for individuals who are dying and bereavement support for members of the individual’s family and support network.
External Reviews Policy
An External Review is a neutral third-party investigation of a situation, incident or service, that results in recommendations and possible action. This policy sets out the requirements for External Reviews to ensure that they are conducted in a consistent and transparent way.
This policy applies to CLBC Quality Service Managers, quality service analysts, and the Director of Quality Assurance.
Legal Requirement Policy
This policy provides information and guidance to staff in responding to subpoenas, search warrants, summons, lawful investigations and other legal processes that are directly related to CLBC operations. It applies to all CLBC staff.
This policy sets out direction and outlines expectations for CLBC staff responsible for monitoring service delivery and quality. It informs individuals, families, and service providers about how CLBC monitors contracted services delivered by service providers.
This policy applies to the monitoring of CLBC’s contracting partners, including accredited and unaccredited service providers. It does not apply to direct funded home shares, Individualized Funding arrangements or to contracts for services or goods that are not provided to individuals and/or families (e.g. vehicles, capital improvement).
Open Board Meetings Policy
This policy supports CLBC’s transparency and public accountability by establishing the requirement to hold meetings of the Board of Directors that are open to the public.
Role of Formal and Informal Representatives Policy
This policy clarifies the roles and responsibilities of legal decision makers in assisting individuals with developmental disabilities receiving CLBC supports and services.
Standards for Home Sharing Policy
The Standards for Home Sharing provide a foundation for the delivery of Home Sharing services, ensuring that individuals who choose this option receive consistent and high quality support. The standards clarify the roles and responsibilities of home sharing providers and allow those who are responsible for monitoring home sharing arrangements to assess whether contractors are meeting established standards.
Find additional supporting documents for the Home Sharing Standards, including a Q&A, here.
Supports to Shared Living Policy
This policy, formerly the Respite Guidelines Policy, is currently under review. If you would like a copy of this policy, please contact CLBCPolicy@gov.bc.ca.
Travel Outside of BC with CLBC-Funded Services Policy
This policy provides guidance to adults who plan to travel outside of BC with a service provider, and to CLBC-contracted service providers who want to support individuals to travel outside of BC.
Privacy Policies
Access to Personal Information for Research Purposes Policy
This policy explains under what conditions individuals’ personal information may be accessed for research and statistical purposes. It is one of a suite of policies as described in the Organizational Privacy Policy. These policies are supplemented by the CLBC Privacy Guidelines which provide an overview of privacy legislation and best practices.
Confidentiality and Information Sharing Policy
The Confidentiality and Information Sharing Policy guides staff in maintaining the rights of individuals to confidentiality and privacy of personal information and assists them to comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
It is one of a suite of policies described in the Organizational Privacy Policy. These policies are supplemented by the CLBC Privacy Guidelines which provide an overview of privacy legislation and best practices.
Information Incidents including Privacy Breaches Policy
This policy describes how CLBC manages and responds to information incidents, including privacy breaches, which are information incidents involving personal information. It is consistent with the policy of the B.C. government.
The Information Incidents including Privacy Breaches Policy is one of a suite of privacy policies described in the overarching Organizational Privacy Policy. The Protection of Information Policy, another policy of the privacy policy suite, describes how CLBC prevents and avoids information incidents.
Organizational Privacy Policy
This policy describes CLBC’s approach to privacy of personal information. It provides general direction for all staff working with the personal information of individuals served by CLBC or of CLBC employees.
It is rooted in and exceeds the requirements of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). The Organizational Privacy Policy is an overarching policy which complements the CLBC Privacy Guidelines and is complemented by a suite of more detailed policies dealing with specific aspects of privacy and confidentiality.
Protection of Information Policy
This policy describes CLBC staff responsibilities for protecting sensitive and personal information in CLBC’s custody. It also describes specific required practices for staff when they are working in the office as well as working outside the office, to preserve confidentiality and prevent information incidents and privacy breaches.
This policy is one of a suite of privacy related policies listed in the Organizational Privacy Policy. These policies are supplemented by the CLBC Privacy Guidelines which provide an overview of privacy legislation and best practices.
Right to Access Personal Information Policy
This policy describes how CLBC supports individuals to exercise their right to access their own personal information or request changes to their personal information held by CLBC as provided for under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
It is one of a suite of policies described in the Organizational Privacy Policy. These policies are supplemented by the CLBC Privacy Guidelines which provide an overview of privacy legislation and best practices.
The CLBC Confidentiality and Information Sharing Policy provides guidance to staff regarding circumstances when an individual’s personal information may be shared with other persons.
Organizational Policies
Conflict of Interest Policy – Employees
This policy sets out how CLBC manages conflicts of interest involving employees, and applies to all employees.
In concert with conflict of interest provisions in other policies and standards related to recruitment, employee conduct, funding levels and contracting and procurement, it forms part of a robust risk management approach designed to protect the integrity of CLBC, the interests of the individuals supported by the organization and the public interest.
Funding for Housing Costs Policy
This policy outlines CLBC’s expectations about ownership of staffed residential homes when CLBC is providing funding for rent, lease or mortgages.
It outlines how CLBC makes decisions about funding housing costs for residential homes so that any future change will benefit the individuals that CLBC serves. It also outlines how pre-existing arrangements that include funding for housing costs such as rent, lease, mortgage and operating costs will be managed.
Theft, Fraud and Corruption Policy
This policy establishes principles related to the development, implementation and regular review of processes designed to mitigate the risk of theft, fraud or corruption impacting either CLBC or an individual supported by CLBC.
Learn more about ways that CLBC encourages the reporting of wrongdoing and protects whistleblowers, see the Whistleblower Policy.