Members of the Richmond Community Council.
Help us make your community stronger
CLBC Community Councils have a dynamic mission to encourage, inspire, lead and support inclusion and the participation of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of the community where you live and work.
The Richmond Community Council (RCC)’s role is to make sure people with developmental disabilities, families, community members and service providers play a major role in achieving the shared vision of fostering good lives in welcoming communities. As a Council, we work collaboratively with community partners in Richmond to support and recognize community inclusion and to foster full participation in community for people with developmental disabilities.
Members of the Richmond Community Council include individuals with developmental disabilities, family members, professionals from service provider agencies and business and community leaders.
Interested in joining the Richmond Community Council?
The Richmond Community Council is looking for new members to join as we strive to break down barriers associated with disability and help make a difference in the lives of the people CLBC serves in Richmond.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact: Richmond@clbccommunitycouncils.ca
Your Community Council at work
Council works to address housing challenges
There is a real lack of housing options for persons getting the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) funding within the city of Richmond. Council has identified reasons for this noting Richmond has grown very fast from an agriculture base to a metropolitan one. The main challenges are the high cost of land and housing. To that end we have engaged the Housing Coordinator for the City of Richmond, and taken the following actions:
- Engaged the Housing Coordinator for the City of Richmond to join the RCC.
- Identified the issues surrounding the lack of housing as well as other groups seeking housing.
- The Richmond Centre for Disability has hosted the Visit-ability forum series which is a discussion on usability within new buildings, park space street design with the people with disabilities in mind.
Richmond City is proposing raising the social/affordable housing levy on new residential multi-occupant developments from 2.5% to 5%. The Richmond Community Council supports this initiative and has sent a letter to the city endorsing the proposal.
The city has also started a task force on affordable housing. The community council is looking to have a permanent member on the task force.
Council news & events
Stay tuned for the latest news from the Richmond Community Council.
- Kwantlen University College – Access Programs for People with Disabilities.
Upcoming meetings
Council Meetings take place from 4:30pm at the Richmond CLBC Office (#230 – 5611 Cooney Road).
Upcoming meetings will be posted here soon.