BC People First’s 2021 Annual Conference – Rights and Wellness

Join BC People First (BCPF) on February 25 and 26 for their 2021 annual conference, which focuses on the theme of Rights and Wellness. The conference is virtual this year and will feature a series of online Zoom workshops by self advocates for self advocates in British Columbia.

BCPF gets lots of questions about the rights people have, how to use technology, how to run a self advocate group, advocacy help and more. The goal of the conference is to answer people’s questions and help people learn as much as they can. All the presentations are taught by self advocates with expert experience and amazing skills to share.

Tickets are free for all self advocates and people with disabilities in the province. You only need to register once to get access to all the workshops and presentations. Attendees can attend one, a few, or all of the presentations.

Find more details and the link to register at BCPeopleFirst.com under the “Events” section of the website.

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