New CLBC Videos

CLBC’s Strategic Plan builds for the future

CLBC’s 2022-25 Strategic Plan is a guiding document for our work. The plan was created with individuals, families and service providers to inspire people about the future, and to focus our activities on what’s most important.

CLBC’s vision is for everyone in British Columbia to experience communities of belonging and lives with connection. The plan is helping CLBC to work towards this vision, to strengthen our relationships with the individuals and families we serve, and to ensure that our actions align with our commitment to the Rights of Indigenous peoples.

You can watch videos on the CLBC website to hear what self advocates, families, service providers and CLBC CEO Ross Chilton think about CLBC’s vision and strategic plan.

Visit to watch the videos and learn about the 2022-25 Strategic Plan.

Kikékyelc shows the meaning of belonging

Kikékyelc is a unique housing development operated by Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family and Community Services in Kamloops. It is home to Indigenous Youth, including those supported by CLBC, as well as Elders.

Kikékyelc came together through partners working together to create a model of culturally safe housing for Indigenous Youth.

CLBC has created a new video to share the story of Kikékyelc and inspire communities to think about the different kinds of inclusive, accessible and culturally-safe housing that can be created.

The video, Kikékyelc: A Place of Belonging, was shown at the Housing Central Conference and the Indigenous Disability and Wellness Gathering during the fall.

Watch the video at:

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