by Julia Ansbacher (Burnaby, B.C.)
My name is Julia Ansbacher. Below is a word cloud that describes my identity. For this article I brainstormed and wrote down the many roles that make me who I am. Have you done a word cloud before? Try it! Sit down with a pen and paper (and a friend, if you want) and write down your roles, experiences and interests.
This exercise made me feel good about myself and reminded me that I am important to other people too. While each role may not be unique, when put together they make up who I am.
My life started in New Zealand, in a small city called Dunedin. I lived there until I was a toddler and then my family moved to Canada. Although I have been in Vancouver since I was a child, I am still connected to family in New Zealand.
Currently I share an apartment with my best friend, have loving, supportive parents and good friends in my life.
I am a fighter! I have lived through a five-month hospital stay and a diagnosis of non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH). The doctor said I was a miracle to be diagnosed at the age of 33 and survive. I look for opportunities to raise awareness about this rare condition and have raised funds to help find a cure.
I care about human rights and services for people with diverse abilities. I don’t really like labels because I think they are limiting. I look for opportunities to create awareness and get justice for all people, especially people who live with a low income.
I am Julia.