Self-advocates leading by example

Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO

Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO.

Message From Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO

Welcome to the Summer 2024 Edition of Celebrate Diverse ABILITIES Magazine. CLBC’s Editorial Board has chosen Self-Advocacy Leadership as this edition’s theme. Investing in and advancing self-advocacy leadership is an important goal of CLBC’s strategic plan. This magazine shares examples of ways we are working in partnership with the B.C. self-advocacy community towards that goal.

I’ve been fortunate to have had the chance to serve in a number of leadership roles during my career; I understand that the journey of leadership includes both achieving milestones and overcoming obstacles. It’s a path that requires resilience, determination and a willingness to learn and grow.

I’m proud to be able to share the stories in this edition to highlight the contributions of self-advocacy leaders who embody these qualities. Education, employment, inclusive housing, social connection, mentorship, publishing, policy-making and planning are among the areas where these leaders are making an impact. They are speaking up not only for themselves, but for others as well.

Charlene Barney writes powerfully about the importance of recognizing the culture, identity and needs of Indigenous people with disabilities. It’s a pleasure to be able to share Charlene’s story during National Indigenous History Month in June, when we recognize the rich history and important contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples.

At CLBC, we welcome a new leader of our Board of Directors, as Shane Simpson takes on the role of chair beginning in July. As I look forward to working closely with Shane, I would also like to take the opportunity to share my gratitude for our outgoing board chair Michael J. Prince, who is completing his second full term this month. Over the past six years, Michael’s leadership has been vital in guiding CLBC through a time of unique challenges and significant achievements.

You can read more about Shane Simpson in the CLBC News section here. There, you can also find other updates, including information about CLBC’s Accessibility Committee whose members will lead our work on removing barriers and becoming more accessible over the years to come.

Thank you for reading this edition. I hope these pages will provide you with both information and inspiration, as they have for me.

Ross Chilton
CEO, Community Living BC

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