Shifting regional management responsibilities improves capacity

Between January 2024 and March 2025, CLBC’s regions are realigning regional service delivery management responsibilities so that some managers have more time to focus on supporting CLBC front line staff that work with CLBC-supported individuals and families and CLBC-funded service providers, and other managers have more capacity to work with external partners, such as regional health authorities, to help ensure the best access to needed services.

CLBC’s regions will adopt this new service delivery management structure through a step-by-step process to allow for ongoing learning and adjustments to help ensure the best possible improvement to how CLBC supports and serves CLBC-eligible individuals. North Thompson Cariboo became the first CLBC region to adopt this new management approach in January 2024, and will be followed by Vancouver Coastal and South Fraser in summer 2024, and Vancouver Island and Southern Interior in fall 2024. Capacity will be built through the refinement of manager responsibilities and roles that include:

  • two Service Area Managers* for each region who are responsible for strategic planning and community and partner relations, and
  • local Service Delivery Managers* who are dedicated to strengthening relationships with individuals and families and supporting day-to-day practice and operations.

We expect individuals and families will experience improvements over time in the support they receive from their local office, and benefits from the stronger partnerships CLBC has forged with community and government partners in each region. People may also experience a different manager contact in regions working under the new leadership structure when they are: seeking an approval for an exception to policy under the Service Provision by Family Member Policy; filing a formal Stage 1 formal complaint under the Complaint Resolution Policy; seeking approval for an exception to policy requirements outside of existing frameworks under the Behavioural Support and Safety Planning Policy; seeking approval of exceptional funding requests under the Resource Allocation Policy; or when requiring an extension of emergency services under the Request for Service Policy

CLBC thanks everyone for their understanding and patience as each region works to implement these refined roles. If you have questions, please sent them to We will do our best to respond within the framework of CLBC’s Organizational Information Security Policy and other government wide policies.

* Service Area Managers are former Integrated Services Managers who were selected through an internal process, and other Integrated Services Managers are being retitled as Service Delivery Managers. These roles will begin for managers when their region implements the new leadership structure.

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