CLBC’s Approach to On-Site Monitoring

Monitoring is an important formal safeguard for individuals served through CLBC. Monitoring activities, including on-site visits, are intended to help protect the safety, health, well-being, and rights of individuals receiving CLBC funded services.

CLBC is working to establish a common approach to how we monitor service delivery and quality. CLBC heard from service providers a desire for more consistent processes, such as how staff conduct annual on-site visits. To address this, we have been identifying where we have inconsistencies in our practice and systems, and how we can make improvements. CLBC is now beginning to use standard tools and procedures so that annual on-site visits are conducted by CLBC staff in predictable, transparent, and consistent ways across the province.

To ensure common understanding of the key improvements CLBC has made to on-site monitoring, an information sheet has been prepared for service providers with answers to frequently asked questions: