CLBC is currently engaging individuals who receive supports through Person Centred Societies (PCSs) or Individualized Funding (IF) Standard in an include Me! survey. The survey asks questions about the quality of life of individuals funded by CLBC and is intended to be completed by the individual, with someone who knows their quality of life best.
The include Me! survey has been sent via email to individuals funded through PCSs or IF Standard. If you have not received the survey email and are an individual who receives supports through a PCS or IF Standard, or a family member or agent, please contact:
About include Me!
CLBC uses the include Me! survey to gather quality of life data from individuals receiving CLBC funded services. Over the last ten years, CLBC has conducted over 6,000 include Me! surveys, completed at 76 agencies to gather data from individuals receiving services through a service provider.
However, CLBC has yet to engage individuals who receives supports through Person Centred Societies or Individualized Funding Standard, and their family members and agents, through the include Me! survey. Through this survey, we hope to specifically gain insights into and better understand the quality of life of individuals who receives supports through PCSs or IF Standard.