2019-20 include Me! Results

Below are links to the provincial results from the 2019/20 include Me! survey in the Vancouver Coastal, South Fraser, Vancouver Island, Southern Interior and North & Thompson-Cariboo regions:

It is important to note that for a few service providers who are being surveyed for the first time, the information being collected through include Me! is baseline data. Providers and CLBC will need time to absorb the information, consult with stakeholders, and begin to make decisions about how to respond.

Those service providers who are resurveyed will be able to review their results and determine if they have improved from their baseline year.  Ideally, service providers scores will show an improvement in those areas in which they have made efforts to improve individual quality of life.

New to the 2019/20 round of include Me! were two housing questions designed to assess certain aspects of housing that may impact respondents’ quality of life.  These questions will help CLBC to develop a better understanding of the impact of housing on quality of life and how to best meet the housing needs of individuals they support.

From these two questions a separate housing report was produced. This housing report, which you can read here, highlights the large majority of respondents indicated they like the room in the home where they live – a positive finding given that Housing Satisfaction was found to be moderately positively correlated with all but one of the quality of life domains. Slightly less than one-half of respondents reported that they live with family members, such as their parent, grandparents or siblings, suggesting almost one-half of individuals may rely on family members to provide them with housing.

Also new this year, a Gender-based Analysis was conducted looking at the impact of gender on quality of life. This analysis was conducted using the full aggregate data set, which revealed that men and women are achieving similar outcomes across the majority of quality of life domains. See the 2019/20 Overall Summary Report above for more detailed information.