Following a successful demonstration project in 2010-11, CLBC officially launched the include Me! survey process. We began in 2012-13 in the Vancouver-Coastal and South Fraser regions. In 2013-14, the survey expanded to include the Southern Interior region. During the 2017-18 year, we expanded to the North region, and in 2019-20 we expanded to Vancouver Island to have full representation of the province.
Over 6,000 surveys have been completed in 76 agencies (4,957 individuals have participated, and of those, 1,269 have been surveyed at least twice). The information collected over the past eight years is being used by service providers to make decisions about how to further improve the quality of life of the individuals they serve and is being used by CLBC to inform policy and program decisions.
A similar survey was also administered to members of the general population across the entire province in 2019 to allow a comparison to the general population.