What Does Success Look Like?

While the exact recipe for each project is unique, there are some key ingredients for successful inclusive housing:

  • partnerships among agencies with shared intentions
  • collaboration within community
  • connection with families and self advocates
  • different ownership models and financial structures
  • flexibility and adaptability
  • creativity and openness
  • a process for finding the best fit between individuals and housing – it does not work for everyone and match is important
  • consideration of generic and natural supports – such as transit, health supports, personal safeguards, proximity to family/friends and community amenities
  • coordination with paid supports so that people are fully supported for success from the beginning

Below are some examples of success.

Moving out: Two daughters achieve their dream

Paddi and Beryl are mothers and friends whose daughters both lived at home for over 30 years and recently moved into their own apartments. This is one of the biggest transitions for parents; and Paddi and Beryl, just like any mom, wanted to make sure their daughters are safe, happy, make long lasting relationships and are part of the community. Finding inclusive housing was a paramount concern.

Fortunately because of the vision of families, community partners, Semiahmoo House Society and partnerships between the governments of Canada and B.C., their daughters are living independently in their own homes at Chorus Apartments. This inclusive and affordable rental housing complex was purpose built for people with low to moderate incomes and people with disabilities. Twenty of the 71 new units are homes for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Lower Mainland Partnership: CLBC, Spectrum Society for Community Living and BC Housing

In 2009, CLBC and BC Housing signed a Supported Housing Collaborative Agreement to provide increased access to subsidized housing for individuals receiving CLBC supports in the lower mainland. The partnership started with six units in BC Housing directly-managed complexes in the Surrey/Burnaby area of. Since it started, it has expanded and now provides 20 units throughout the lower mainland. Support services are provided by Spectrum Society for Community Living, which works closely with CLBC to ensure a person-centred approach with each individual. Satisfaction among tenants has been high and there have been no incidents reported.

Contact CLBC for more information at CLBCInfo@gov.bc.ca.

Langley Community Living Housing Coalition

Through research and partnerships with government and the private sector, this coalition explored a variety of mixed housing options for adults with a developmental disability. Goals included accessing a greater number of rental subsidies and exploring housing developments in Langley with a disability component. This document chronicles the work and offers both lessons learned and helpful step-by-step guidance for others interested in trying similar approaches.

Exploring Housing Options for People with Disabilities in BC

A result of collaboration among BC Housing, BCNPHA, CLBC, several community living service providers and the Social Planning and Research Council of BC, this is a detailed and comprehensive research analysis. It includes recommended principles for creating inclusive housing.

Key BC success examples can be found within the document on the following pages:

  • Quay View in North Vancouver (p. 36)
  • 1134 Queens Ave in Victoria (p. 37)
  • City Club in Burnaby (p. 38)
  • South Okanagan Association for Integrated Community Living in Oliver and Osoyoos(p. 41)
  • Agency-Resident Co-ownership in Surrey (p. 43)
  • Successful case studies from across the country (Appendix D)

Who do I contact?

To start the conversation about how you can get involved in inclusive housing, contact your local CLBC office to speak to a Regional Director or Manager.