CLBC's Accessibility Plan sets out important goals and actionable steps to increase accessibility and remove barriers.
Conversation on Community Inclusion Services
CLBC is holding a series of discussions to understand people’s experiences with community inclusion programs, and gather ideas people have for the future of these services.
Community Inclusion Innovation Fund
CLBC has established the one-time Community Inclusion Innovation Fund to support proposals that advance inclusion for the people CLBC serves.
include Me! A Quality of Life Focus
include Me! invites people CLBC supports to participate in a survey measuring quality of life. Information gathered provides valuable input for CLBC and service providers.
Inclusive Housing Initiative
CLBC is fostering partnerships in the housing, community living, and broader public sectors to support the creation of more accessible and affordable housing.
Re-imagining Community Inclusion (RCI)
The Re-imagining Community Inclusion (RCI) project focuses on what the future should look like for supports and services for people with diverse abilities in British Columbia.
Self Advocates Leading Connection
Learn about the five B.C. self advocacy groups who are supporting social connection during the COVID-19 pandemic, and find information about upcoming events.
Strategy on Aging
The CLBC Strategy on Aging is a proactive response to the challenges and opportunities associated with supporting adults with developmental disabilities as they grow older.
WOW Awards
CLBC's annual Widening Our World (WOW) Awards recognize people and organizations whose work is building communities everyone feels welcome, valued and respected.