Plain Language Resources

Tell someone if you feel sick

Negative emotions about feeling sick can be hurtful and make us want to avoid telling others. To better understand why telling others when we feel sick, and if we might have COVID-19, is so important, check out this helpful resource CLBC has developed.

B.C. Recovery Benefit

The COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenges and hardships for people and families. To help people and families recover from these hard times, the BC Government has
announced a new benefit called the BC Recovery Benefit.

This is a one-time, tax-free provincial benefit of up to $500 for an adult or $1,000 for a

Click here to read a plain language summary of this announcement and how to apply for the B.C. Recovery Benefit.

Helpful Resources

  • Toolkit for Connection – Recognizing the importance of making sure those we support continue to be connected, CLBC has partnered with the BC CEO Network, the Family Support Institute, Vela Canada, Inclusion BC, BCANDS and other organizations to connect with and support people who are more vulnerable during this time. The Toolkit for Connection highlights just some of the tools and resources we have created together to try and help people stay safe, strong and connected.Click here to access the Toolkit for Connection.You can also watch a video about using the Toolkit for Connection here.
  • Calendar for Connection – Looking for ways to meet new people and stay socially connected? The Calendar for Connection was created to help people with diverse abilities know about different fun and inclusive opportunities to connect with others during COVID-19. Click here to access the Calendar for Connection.

Posters from Fraser Health

Fraser Health’s Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Services has created a series of plain language posters with helpful information and tips to help individuals, families and caregivers during this COVID-19 pandemic. You can click the links below to see each of the posters (which can also be downloaded and printed):

Support and Connection Toolkit

CLBC has gathered links to resources and activities into one document for easy access and will continue to add to and update this document.

Thank you to all our community partners, CLBC staff, self advocate and family leaders and many others who have shared resources, ways to connect and things to do during these challenging times.

Click here to download the Support and Connection Toolkit. 

CLBC Update on Recovery Planning

On May 13, CLBC CEO Ross Chilton recently shared an update with individuals and families about the government announcement, as well as initial information about what this will mean for CLBC funded services.

Click here to read a plain language summary of this announcement.

Hospital visit update

On May 20, CLBC shared an update on the B.C. Ministry of Health’s updated guidance about essential visits to support individuals with disabilities while in the hospital with important things like communication, emotional support and supported decision making.

Click here to read a plain language version of this update.

Emergency plan

Semiahmoo House Society’s Self Advocate Leadership Network has developed an emergency plan template in plain language which can be downloaded here. Completing the different sections in this template helps people to plan ahead for any emergency situations they may face during the COVID-19 crisis.

Emergency funding information

On April 21, the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction announced provincial emergency funding that will be distributed through CLBC over three months to ensure people with developmental disabilities stay supported and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can read a summary of this announcement in plain language here.

Information about emergency provincial supports

On April 2, the provincial government announced a number of temporary supports and supplements to ensure people on income or disability assistance in B.C. are supported during the COVID-19 crisis.

You can click here to read a plain language summary of the supports that were announced.

Teleconference Summaries

CLBC along with partners in the B.C. provincial government have hosted a series of teleconference calls for individuals and families to provide the latest updates and answer questions about services and supports. You can find audio recordings of all the calls here, as well as plain language summaries below:

Self-Help Booklet Series – Managing stress and paying attention to mental health

Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilities (HCARDD) has created a self-help booklet series for people with intellectual disabilities that can be used with the support of family members, friends, staff, and health care professionals. The booklets are intended to give people an opportunity to talk through their feelings and make plans for staying well at this difficult time.

Titles include “Feeling Anxious”, “Feeling Down”, “Good Night’s Sleep” and “You Can Do It” and there are also guides to support people to use each booklet.

Find links to download all of the booklets here.

Sign Language information about B.C.’s Restart Plan

The Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility is a B.C.-based organization that helps reduce communications barriers for people who are deaf and hard of hearing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Wavefront has been creating American Sign Language (ASL) videos of B.C. government announcements, and sharing them on their Youtube page here. This includes ASL versions of the different parts of BC’s Restart Plan, which you can find by clicking the links below: