Moving – Transferring your CLBC Services

Are you thinking of moving to a new community? Plan ahead with CLBC

When you choose to move to a new community in B.C. (from one quality service area of the province to another), CLBC wants you to continue receiving the right services. We will work with you to make sure your move goes well.

With at least 90 days’ notice, we can carefully plan and help you understand the available services in different areas and assist you in making informed decisions. CLBC’s goal is to minimize the possibility of service disruptions and ensure your needs are met in your new community. We are here to help you through the transfer process and make it as easy as we can.

Here are the key steps for you to take:

  • Contact your CLBC facilitator or local CLBC office at least 90 days before you want to move.
  • Your facilitator will let you know if your move is a ‘transfer’ and they will help plan with you so you can continue accessing CLBC services in your new community.
  • Review CLBC’s Transfer Policy here so you can better understand what to expect when transferring your CLBC services from one quality service area to another.

More information

Click the links below to access these helpful resources:

CLBC Transfer Policy – This policy explains what happens to a person’s supports and services when they move to a new area in B.C. and how CLBC staff will work with you.

Frequently Asked Questions – Find answers to common questions asked about CLBC’s Transfer Policy

Moving to a New Community: Checklist – Use this resource to help you plan and organize the different steps when moving.

Video – Watch the video below to learn about the steps to take when moving to a new community in an accessible, plain language format. Click here for the direct link to the video.