CLBC Welcome Package
The CLBC Welcome package provides information about CLBC’s supports and services, as well as different eligibility criteria.
Information Sheets for Individuals and Families
The series of information sheets for individuals and families in this section answer common questions, and provide important information about key CLBC supports and processes.
Aging Knowledge Hub
Find easy-to-access information and resources across a range of topics that can help people as they age.
Information for Individuals and Families about COVID-19
Information and updates about Coronavirus, or COVID-19. Check this page regularly. CLBC will post updates as needed.
Plain Language Information Videos
CLBC has created these plain language videos to help families and individuals navigate CLBC processes more easily.
Moving – Transferring your CLBC Services
Learn about the steps to take, and how CLBC staff will work with you, when you move from one community in B.C. to another.
Planning Tools
Plans are developed by individuals and their families to help them achieve their goals. Find resources that provide helpful information about planning.
Safeguards Resources
Learn more about safeguards, which are actions or measures that help reduce the risk that someone will be harmed.
Plan for the future with an RDSP
The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a Canada-wide savings plan designed especially for people with disabilities. Learn more about the plan and read success stories here.
Other Provincial Organizations
If you are eligible for, or are exploring CLBC supports, there are a number of other organizations in B.C. that may also be able to provide you with support or information.