Plan for the future with an RDSP

You can make a huge difference for the future of your loved one with a developmental disability by opening a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) as early as possible. The RDSP is a Canada-wide savings plan designed especially for people with disabilities.

Read what these families say about the importance of the RDSP, and their tips for opening one.









Get extraordinary returns

As soon as you open an RDSP, you will begin to receive contributions from the federal government. The kind and amount depends on your family income, and matching contributions have limits.

For people with incomes less than $30,000, the government will contribute $1,000 a year for 20 years, without you having to put in any money yourself.

For families with income up to $91,831, for every $1 you contribute to the RDSP, the government will match it with $3 for the first $500. For every $1 you contribute up to another $1,000, the government will match it with $2.

For all the details on how it works, please visit

Register as early as possible

The earlier you begin, the more your loved one will benefit. For example, if you have a nine-year-old daughter and earn less than $75,769 per year, but are able to contribute $1,500 to an RDSP each year for 20 years, your loved one will have nearly $350,000 in savings by the time they are 40.

The RDSP is exempt from most provincial disability and income assistance benefits. It does not get clawed back and it does not reduce disability benefit payments.

Get help to open an RDSP right away

The Plan Institute, Disability Alliance BC and the BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS) have partnered together to offer a range of resources to help more British Columbians open RDSPs, including:

  • RDSP information sessions for communities and organizations;
  • One-to-one support with the Disability Tax Credit;
  • A toll-free RDSP and disability planning hotline;
  • Support to open up an RDSP
  • Support for Indigenous individuals and families living with disabilities to open an RDSP

Find out more by visiting these websites: