CLBC believes the people we support and their families have the right to pursue lives with connection in communities of belonging. This include feeling safe from harm where they live, go to school, work and play. This includes physical harm, emotional harm or financial harm.
One important way to make sure that people are safe from harm is through safeguards. Safeguards are actions that are done on purpose to help reduce the risk that someone will be harmed.
In this section of the site you can find CLBC resources focused on safeguards.
CLBC’s Role in Safeguards
Learn about CLBC’s roles in contributing to safeguards. Learn more…
Safeguards Resources Documents
Download and view Safeguard resources. Learn more…
I can be safe online was created as Community Living BC’s online safety website, and served as an important tool to help people learn how to be safe online while still having fun with their friends and family, and connecting with their community.
Start with Hi
CLBC created “Start with Hi” as a public awareness initiative to show British Columbians that through small, but important, actions like saying “Hi” they can play a role in their communities to increase the safety of people with developmental disabilities.
Learn more about “Start with Hi” and watch videos about the importance of saying “Hi” here.