CLBC recognizes National Indigenous Peoples Day

On June 21, we join people in communities across the province and country in celebrating the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of the Inuit, the Métis, and the First Nations peoples. This year’s celebrations will look different than past years as we all do our part to continue to maintain physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic and stay connected virtually from home.

For example, in an effort to bring powwow culture into everyone’s homes during a time when gathering together is not possible, the Social Distance Powwow is an online space to showcase dancers, singers, music, regalia and crafts from across North America, including live streamed performances. Visit their Facebook group here, which is open for anyone to join, and read a Global News story here. Or learn more about Indigenous cultures by reading a digital copy of one the books from the #IndigenousReads reading list or by exploring a virtual exhibit at your favourite museum.

Learn more about the day on the Government of Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day website.

As First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples take steps to keep every person safe from threat of the COVID-19 virus, we’re reminded of the strength and resiliency of people when we rely on each other. To help make information about COVID-19 easier to find, CLBC in consultation with its Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) has compiled a webpage of resources here to share with Indigenous individuals we support.

CLBC supports British Columbia’s commitment to Bill 41 – 2019: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, the 2018 Draft Principles to guide the BC Public Service on relationships with Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action. CLBC thanks IAC representatives from across the province who provide information and valuable input to CLBC operations, policy and procedures for the continuous improvement of service delivery to Indigenous people. We are specifically celebrating the newly created Indigenous Director Position and a new Indigenous team announced by CLBC CEO Ross Chilton earlier this month. The Indigenous team and IAC will inform CLBC policies, improve service standards about cultural safety and sensitivity, and lead community engagement efforts. CLBC will also be engaging with the IAC around implementing the Indigenous-related recommendations in the Reimagining Community Inclusion report.

We hope you will join us in recognizing this important day on June 21.

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