CLBC News Updates – December 2016

Update on CLBC’s next strategic plan

CLBC spent the summer and fall gathering input and preparing its next strategic plan which will set key priorities until 2020.

The CLBC board and individuals and families on the Provincial Advisory Council guided the planning process. This summer and fall, 15 communities across the province were visited to gather further feedback, and CLBC also met with a range of advocacy and community living sector leaders.

There was strong consensus on priorities for creating better outcomes, improving relationships with individuals and families, improving systems and increasing quality with service providers. The finalized plan will be announced in the near future.

New CLBC inclusive housing resources for providers, planners and developers

For the first time, CLBC partnered with key stakeholders to deliver inclusive housing sessions at the BC Non-profit Housing Association conference that took place from November 20 to 23. CLBC CEO Seonag Macrae had the opportunity to address the estimated 1,000 delegates about the need for more inclusive housing.  The CLBC-sponsored inclusive housing sessions were well attended by a range of people wanting to know how to create more housing for the people CLBC serves.

CLBC has also created new resources to help individuals and families, housing developers, providers and planners understand what makes housing inclusive, and the benefits of inclusive housing for everyone.

You can find the information on the CLBC inclusive housing webpage here,  including a downloadable handout with information for housing developers, city officials, and other partners.

CLBC regional reorganization project wraps up

Based on input from individuals, families, service providers and staff, over the past year CLBC has undertaken a reorganization of regional offices to address internal barriers by moving to integrated teams of facilitators and analysts reporting to a single local or regional manager. The aim is to better empower managers to make timely decisions, provide more effective support to CLBC staff and improve service to individuals and families. A story and fact sheet on the project were published on the CLBC web site titled “Improving CLBC Services.”

We are pleased to report that CLBC has now completed this move to integrated teams in each region. As a result of the new teams, some individuals and families as well as service providers may receive a notice of a change of your CLBC contact. However, we do not anticipate any major disruptions. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the manager at your local office. Contact numbers can be found here.

Join the user-driven design testing of a new community inclusion service

The Advancing New Support Options (ANSO) Project is inviting individuals, families and service providers to contribute more input for a future CLBC community inclusion service that we described in this story from the September edition of the CLBC Connect e-newsletter.

ANSO will be hosting community meetings from November 2016 to February 2017 in Kelowna, Prince Rupert, Campbell River, the Lower Mainland, Nanaimo, Prince George and Cranbrook. You are invited to attend and provide input on the creation of this new user-driven designed service intended to connect individuals with employment and personal development opportunities and support stronger social participation. Learn more about this tour and how to participate here.

Include Me! quality of life survey update

Planning is moving forward for another round of surveys to ask individuals CLBC serves about their quality of life. The include Me! team is finalizing the list of service providers that will be participating this year. The plan is to complete approximately 1,500 surveys in this round.

This year the include Me! team is continuing to actively survey in the Vancouver Coastal, South Fraser, and Interior regions and will be expanding to new communities in the Kootenays. The team is currently meeting with service providers in these areas to finalize plans for implementation.

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