What this page says
- CLBC is one of many government organizations in B.C. that provides supports to people.
- You may also be eligible for different supports from these other organizations.
- This can include support to plan for the transition from childhood to adult life.
- A CLBC facilitator can help connect you to other government supports.
If you are eligible for, or are exploring CLBC supports, there are a number of other government agencies, organizations and ministries in British Columbia that may also be able to provide you with supports. This can include help with transition planning.
You can learn more below, and click the links to visit the webpages for these government services.
You can also click here to learn about other provincial organizations that may be able to provide support.
Office of the Advocate for Service Quality (OASQ)
The Office of the Advocate for Service Quality (OASQ) may act as a neutral third party for individuals with an intellectual disability, their family and service providers to help solve problems and find solutions to concerns and complaints.
The OASQ’s goal is to help get quality service for individuals from:
Community Living BC (CLBC)
Community agencies
- Click here to visit the Advocate for Service Quality website
- Watch this video to learn more about the Advocate for Service Quality’s role
BC Housing
BC Housing administers subsidized housing and programs that offer housing options.
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR)
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR) provides support payments, employment programs, bus passes and health and dental benefits for persons with disabilities and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
SDPR has special procedures in place so that young people with disabilities can complete the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation application process six months before their 18th birthday. Read more about the Simplified PWD Application process here
Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD)
MCFD provides a range of support and services for youth with special needs and their families.
MCFD staff can also start the transition planning process with youth from age 14, and can provide information to CLBC to determine eligibility for CLBC adult supports and services.
Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills provides leadership and direction for post-secondary education and skills training systems in British Columbia as well as labour market information and programs.
Through the Ministry, fourteen public post-secondary institutions offer Adult Special Education programs that include Employment Preparation, Vocational Skills Training and Academic Skills Development.
- Click here to visit the Ministry of Advanced Education website
- Click here to access Education Planner BC, which is an online tool that provides comprehensive information about post-secondary education in BC.
Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education provides leadership and funding to the public K-12 education system in B.C. Public schools can support the development of transition goals as part of Individual Education Plan (IEP) and provide information on grants and scholarships.
Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health supports the health authorities in the provision of home and community care services for all British Columbians, including adults who have acute, chronic, palliative or rehabilitative health care needs. The health authorities also conduct eligibility assessments for access to health services, and provide health services to youth who are transitioning to adult services as appropriate.
Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General
The Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP) assists victims, immediate family members and some witnesses in coping with the effects of violent crime. It provides financial benefits to help offset financial losses and assist in recovery.
Office of the Ombudsperson
The Office of the Ombudsperson can help determine whether B.C. provincial and local public authorities have acted fairly and reasonably – and whether their actions and decisions were consistent with relevant legislation, policies and procedures. As an independent statutory office of the provincial legislature, their services are provided free of charge.
Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT)
The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) consults with eligible youth, family and support networks on the planning tools available for their personal, health care, legal and financial matters. The PGT acts as co-guardian with the Ministry of Children and Family Development or Delegated Aboriginal Child and Family Service Agencies for youth under Continuing Custody Orders (CCOs), and is responsible for the protection of the financial and legal interests of children and youth under a CCO.
Representative for Children and Youth (RCY)
The Representative supports B.C.’s young people in dealing with the provincial child and youth serving system by advocating on their behalf, as well as reviewing services and making recommendations to improve them. The Representative also assists young adults between their 19th and 24th birthdays who are eligible for CLBC services and who received a reviewable service in the 15 months before their 19th birthdays.
Service to Adults with Developmental Disabilities (STADD)
Services to Adults with Developmental Disabilities (STADD) offers Navigator services for transitioning youth and their families in 145 communities across B.C. Navigators act as the primary point of contact for individuals in coordinating transition planning and access to supports and services through the transition period of 16-24 years old.
Learn how STADD can work with people who are eligible for CLBC services beginning at 16.
WorkBC can help people with disabilities who are eligible for support with job options and services designed to support and build their career. WorkBC also provides pre-employment supports to students with developmental disabilities on their last year in high school.