Ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of the people we support and our staff is CLBC’s top priority.
CLBC offices have remained operational during the COVID-19 pandemic with skeleton staffing in most offices and staff working remotely. CLBC staff have continued to be available to individuals, families and other community partners during the first phase of the pandemic through email, phone and other virtual means, and in some cases in person. We implemented safety measures including physical distancing, enhanced cleaning and hygiene protocols in offices.
With the launch of the Provincial Government’s Phases 2 & 3 Restart Plan as well as further guidance from the Public Health Officer and WorkSafe BC, CLBC will increase staffing levels in offices and engagement in the community to permit important in-person activities to take place such as monitoring of services, planning with people and adult guardianship activities. In accordance with this guidance, additional health and safety measures have been introduced including when staff are meeting with people in the community.
Our staff will continue to be available to work with you as we enter the next stages of COVID-19 recovery planning. If you need to come to an office, please be aware we have introduced additional temporary measures in our offices that follow WorkSafeBC guidelines.
Our staff will be resuming in-person monitoring visits where it is safe to do so as this is an essential part of our commitment to quality assurance.
Please be assured that these additional safety measures are in place to protect the health of you and our employees. As an essential service, our staff are also continuing to maintain efforts to stay connected to the people we support through virtual means.