What this page says
- Well-being support gives you services or funding to pay for things to help make daily responsibilities easier.
- There are five ways to get support for your well-being:
- Individual and family wellness support
- Communication and behavioural
- Homemaker
- Psychological
- Support coordination
- Your CLBC facilitator can help answer questions about well-being supports for you and your family.
- You and your family play an important role in deciding how you get support for your well-being.
- Please remember that the types of supports available can be different depending on where you live.
CLBC funds supports to strengthen the individual and family’s ability to have a balanced life. You have the best understanding of how to support your well-being. A person’s well-being is impacted by physical, mental, emotional and social health.
The kind and amount of support you receive is based on the need for help in specific areas and the availability of the support. Learn how CLBC makes decisions about funding supports here.
Individual and Family Wellness (previously ‘Respite’)
Wellness support gives individuals and families funding to organize or pay for services or supports to help make daily life more comfortable, healthy, and happy. The support may be provided in the individuals home or at another location. Some people use wellness support once and some schedule support on an ongoing basis.
People who are eligible for CLBC services have used this support to pay someone to stay with them to support their family’s well-being, to take courses or workshops, or to get peer-to-peer support.
There are two ways someone can get support for Individual and Family Wellness:
- Self-Directed: funding and services are coordinated by individuals, their families, or their support networks
- Agency-Coordinated: funding and services are coordinated by a contracted service provider
Communication and Behavioural
CLBC understands that behaviour is a form of communication. Behavioural supports work with an individual and those around them to replace a behaviour that might be having a negative effect on quality of life with positive social or communication skills. It focuses on understanding why certain behaviours occur and providing support for the person to learn positive behaviours in their place.
CLBC contracts with a qualified professional to support a person who is communicating using unsafe or concerning behaviour.
Communication and behavioural supports are focused on addressing a specific goal within a certain amount of time. Accessing communication and behavioural support can include meeting with a Behavioural Consultant and creating a Behaviour Support Plan.
The support may be provided in your home or at another location.
Communication and Behavioural supports are provided over a set time period based on your goals.
Homemaker support is available for people who require basic housekeeping services or personal care. Some families also access homemaker support if they provide ongoing, unpaid support in your home.
Some people use homemaker support once and some schedule support on an ongoing basis.
Where available, CLBC will work with a licensed psychologist or other qualified professional on your behalf. Services in this area include consultation, assessment and intervention. Psychological support is provided over a set time period based on your needs.
Support Coordination
CLBC works with you to help coordinate services and supports both funded and not funded by CLBC. This may involve resource referrals, training, scheduling, advocacy, or connecting people with their peers.
Some people use support coordination once and some on an ongoing basis.
How do I access support for my or my family’s well-being?
Please contact your local office to talk with a CLBC facilitator about supports for you and your family’s well-being you may be eligible for or may be available in your area.
Find your local office contact information here.