CLBC Privacy and Freedom of Information Requests

Your Privacy

CLBC is committed to supporting your privacy and can help you with your privacy questions. To read CLBC’s privacy policies, please see Privacy of Personal Information tab on our policy web page here.  CLBC is a public body and follows BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) when collecting, using, disclosing and storing information. Click here to see the FOIPPA legislation.

Collection and use of information

CLBC collects and uses information as needed for the purposes of determining CLBC eligibility, planning and contracting CLBC services, and evaluating services. Service provider staff may also collect and use information when providing a CLBC-contracted service.  Information is stored in many forms including electronic records, paper records, emails, and text messages.

Personal information that identifies a specific person is collected and created.  Personal information may include: name, address, date of birth, telephone number, associated people’s contact information, information related to eligibility, and information related to past and present CLBC services.

CLBC strives to:

  • Tell you why your personal information is being collected.
  • Collect information directly from you whenever possible.
  • Ensure the information is kept secure.
  • Use information only when needed and for the purpose for which it was collected or created.
  • Only share your information with other organizations or people when CLBC receives your written consent, or when disclosure is permitted by FOIPPA or other legislation.

Accessing your information or CLBC’s information

Under FOIPPA, everyone has right to request access to any records under the safekeeping or the control of a public body. CLBC can only release records to you after applying the FOIPPA legislation, so you may not get all the records you asked for, but you will get the records that you have a right to access. Allow a minimum of 30 business days for processing your request.

Personal information:  Personal Records are about you or about a person for whom you have a legal permission (representation agreement, written consent, or committeeship – court-appointed guardianship). If you wish to access someone else’s information, click here to download the consent form. There is no fee for accessing personal records.

General Information: General records are about CLBC’s steps, practices, decision making or reports. If you want information about CLBC’s policies or reports, please check the categories of information available in the About Us section of our website before you make a general request. Fees may be charged for accessing general (non-personal) records if the search and processing of records will take longer than 3 hours.  If CLBC feels the search for records will take longer than 3 hours, you will be provided with a cost estimate before your request is started.

Ready to start a personal or a general information request?

Click here for the Request to Access Information Form.

If you do not want to go through CLBC to start your request, you may make an information request through BC’s Information Access Operations here.

Changing or correcting your personal information

BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) allows individuals, or their legal representatives, to change or correct their personal information held by CLBC.  There is no fee.

Click here to access the Change Personal Information Form.

If you have questions about Information Requests or your privacy under CLBC:

Contact the Privacy Officer at or call the Privacy Analyst at 604-315-4985.

If you have a complaint about how your personal information was used:

Contact the Privacy Officer at or call the Privacy Analyst at 604-315-4985.
Go to CLBC’s complaint resolution webpage here.
Contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia.  Follow the directions provided here.