Service Provider Resources

This section of the website contains links to informational resources to support CLBC Service Providers.

If you are a service provider and have a question, or need assistance, please contact your local CLBC office.

If you need to contact Community Living BC about an urgent situation outside of general office hours (8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday), if you call your local CLBC office you will hear a voicemail message instructing you to call the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) Provincial Centralized Screening phone line at: 1-800-663-9122. If you have an emergency, please phone 9-1-1.

An urgent situation that would require a call to this 1-800 number is one in which the health or safety of an individual is at immediate risk, or where serious harm has already occurred, and where some type of immediate action is required before CLBC offices re-open.

Examples include:

  • Sudden or unexpected death
  • Report or allegation of abuse or neglect pursuant to the Adult Guardianship Act
  • Emergent placement breakdown.

CEO Messages to Service Providers

Employment Service Toolkit

L.I.F.E. Service Toolkit

Program Negotiations

Standards for Unaccredited Service Providers

When the Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) is the Substitute Decision Maker