12 days of giving in Kamloops

“Participating in this made me feel very happy and I am excited to take part again in 2016.” – Mercedes Tomm

“2015 was the start of a new tradition at Thompson Community Services (TCS) in Kamloops. The people we support and our staff decided to show the city of Kamloops acts of kindness during the festive season.

We called it ‘The 12 Days of Giving.’ This event gave individuals who access our services a chance to say thank you, offer a helping hand, and connect with their community in a way they never had before.

We were blown away and truly touched by the generosity and kindness that those we support displayed to members of our community, and also by the responses from the community in receipt of our gifts and gestures. It was a great success and everyone is looking forward to the the 12 Days of Giving again this year!”

 Jhenna Owen, TCS Manager

“I want to share my story about participating in the 12 days of giving in 2015.

Myself and my peers baked cookies and decorated them to give to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). This was really fun and rewarding because I love cookies!

We also made Christmas cards and gave them to the elderly at an extended care facility. Some people didn’t have anyone else to give them cards.

We also made snow men out of socks and gave them out to different community members.

Participating in this made me feel very happy and I am excited to take part again in 2016.”

Mercedes Tomm

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