Leaders of connection

Self Advocate leaders connect and discuss their work to create opportunities for people to connect during the pandemic.

So far this year, self advocacy groups from around the province have led over 110 events and activities to help others with diverse abilities stay strong and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the help of a grant from CLBC, groups used funding to hire self advocates and supporters to organize and facilitate virtual and non-virtual ways for people in their own communities and across the province to connect. Activities included phone trees, card mailouts, letters and pen pal programs, talent shows, self advocacy panels, online hangouts, laughter yoga, music and game nights, and special interest workshops and activities including Breaking Away from the COVID Blues, World Photography Day, Greek Mythology and Harry Potter Month.

Here’s what group leaders have to say about their work over the past eight months:

“We are grateful to connect with others from across the province to talk about what is important to people during this time. To be part of helping others know they are not alone.”

“It’s important that we are paid to do this work the same way others are paid.”

“We are learning how to do self advocacy and to have fun and friendships too.”

“It’s a lot of work! We learned about budgeting money and becoming a legal society.”

“I have been so humbled by how brave and resilient those leading events have been to learn new things on the fly during a pandemic.” (from a supporter)

Staying Connected

Groups are excited to announce they will continue to host events into the Fall. These events and others are posted every week on the Calendar for Connection hosted on the Family Support Institute website at: FamilySupportBC.com

To receive weekly email event updates, please contact CLBC’s Self Advocate Advisor at: Jessica.Humphrey@gov.bc.ca

You can also contact groups directly by finding them on Facebook or using their email addresses found below:

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