Tami Pedersen and Tony Cuglietta are Co-Chairs of CLBC’s Thompson Cariboo Community Council. They have worked with their council to bring awareness to a topic that they are passionate about, inclusive housing.
Tony and Tami have been presenting on the importance of inclusive housing and sharing their own stories and experiences.
“Inclusive housing is when someone has a choice over their living space and when people with diverse abilities live next door to everyone else,” says Tony.
“We are often left out of housing plans because people think we’re looked after somewhere else,” says Tami.
Tami and Tony are now presenting to city councils and builders associations around the Kamloops area, asking builders to reserve units specifically for people who are eligible for CLBC funding.
They are proud of what they have accomplished so far. They hope to continue their work to bring this topic forward to local municipalities to advocate for more inclusive housing.
If you are interested in being involved with this project, or having Tony and Tami present to your organization or municipality, please email: CLBC.Connect@gov.bc.ca.
Learn more about Community Councils, their work, and opportunities to join here.