Deadline Extended – CLBC Board Director opening for a person who lives with a developmental disability

As of January 1, 2022, there will be one director position open on the CLBC Board for a person with lived experience of developmental disability.

The CLBC Board governs the overall way CLBC does its work. This includes responsibilities like approving CLBC’s strategic plan and making sure there is a way to know if the services and supports provided by CLBC make a difference for the people they serve.

Self advocates are encouraged to apply to share their experience and understanding of community inclusion, self-advocacy and the system of services and supports for adults who have a developmental disability.

The deadline to apply for this position has been extended to January 31, 2022.

While previous experience as a board director is not required, it is important for people applying to understand the roles and responsibilities of a board member and the experience and skills needed to do the job.

You can read a plain language description about the role and responsibilities of the position here.

To apply for the Board position visit the official posting on the Crown Agencies and Board Recruiting website here.

If you have questions about this position or need help with the application process, you can contact CLBC’s Self Advocate Advisor at

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