Amber Rainshadow, new CLBC board member, and Glimmer.
Community Living BC (CLBC) welcomes Amber Rainshadow as its newest member of the Board of Directors.
From Victoria, B.C., Amber has many years of experience as a self advocate with a commitment to improve support and inclusion for people who live with disabilities. She brings a desire to use her lived experience to help others in the community and teach them how to advocate for themselves.
“We are thrilled to have Amber join us,” said Board Chair Michael J. Prince. “I know we will all have something to learn from her experience and perspective. She brings many skills that have helped people with disabilities who deal with multiple, complex challenges.”
Amber describes herself as someone who has been presented with many challenges in life from Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities. However, she says they have allowed her to help others both in the disability community and able-bodied community. Amber has a particular passion in helping advocate for children in care who transition to adulthood.
Amber has been involved in the Out of the Rain program for street youth in Victoria, the start up of the Victoria Disability Resources Center, has worked as an FASD facilitator and educator, a pastoral support visitor and helped develop and teach a course at the University of Victoria. Recently she has served as a volunteer member of CLBC’s Editorial Board and a CLBC Welcome Workshop presenter.
Amber has been appointed by Nicholas Simons, Minister, Social Development and Poverty Reduction to a three-year term starting August 1, 2021.