Port Moody families and agencies connect with board

CLBC Board Members Onkar Biring, Jane Holland and Joanne Curry meet with members of the Simon Fraser Community Council at the Port Moody office.

Board members Jane Holland, Joanne Curry and Onkar Biring recently heard from families, service providers and staff at an open house hosted by CLBC’s Port Moody office. The event was part of an ongoing series of provincial visits and service tours made by CLBC board members. The tours are part of the board’s commitment to listen and learn in order to assist them in guiding the crown corporation.

“I want to thank those family members who were able to attend,” said Joanne, who works at Simon Fraser University as Vice President, External Relations, and has served on the board since July 2015. “CLBC is always wanting to improve its relationships, and that begins with listening. It is invaluable for me to hear the hopes and dreams that families have for their loved ones.”

Hosted by Director of Regional Operations Bob Youssef, family members introduced themselves at the open house, as did agency and CLBC staff, some of whom noted they were also family members of individuals with developmental disabilities. Board members spent time talking to everyone, before meeting with members of the Simon Fraser Community Council, who are also family members.

“As a self advocate myself, it is important to me that CLBC understand the views of individuals who receive their services,” said Onkar, a motivational speaker who has been on the board since October 2014. “I’m glad that board members are committed to doing this.”

Earlier in the same afternoon the board members had toured CLBC’s Provincial Assessment Centre based in Burnaby. The PAC is a designated mental health care program that provides specialized, multi-disciplinary mental health services for short-term assessment and treatment. The program cares for up to 10 individuals at any time, often providing stabilization for those in crisis as well as planning to strengthen supports within an individual’s home community.

Board members toured the Provincial Assessment Centre in Burnaby and met with staff to learn about the program.

Board members say they heard from the dedicated CLBC staff within this program, where they took the time to walk through and  see the living areas, lounges, exercise and therapy rooms.

“I was heartened to hear of the concern of PAC staff for the well-being of those they serve,” said Jane, who served as Advocate for Service Quality for many years before becoming a board member in July 2015. “The staff was frank about the growing need for services for individuals with complex needs, and shared the reward they feel when they can help make a difference for families.”

The facility is staffed with physicians, psychologist, nurses, occupational therapists, music therapists and more, and led by Director Jerry Stanger.

This summer and fall CLBC board members have also visited NanaimoCranbrookKamloopsSurrey and Vancouver.

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