Easy does it: New system simplifies direct funding reporting for families

This postcard, available on the CLBC website and in local offices, provides instructions on the new reporting system.

A new online reporting system is making it easier for individuals and families who receive individualized funding directly (called “direct funding” or DF) to submit spending reports*. The system is called the Direct Funding Financial Reporting System and was launched online at if.communitylivingbc.ca on November 4, 2019.

To help people start using the system, VELA Canada, a non-profit organization that assists people with developing Microboards and accessing individualized funding, worked together with CLBC on developing and distributing helpful instructional materials.

Streamlined and secure

The benefits for people who use this new online system are many. Once you start using it, many of the features become automated. This helps to increase accuracy of reporting.

Personal information is also more protected as the system is secure and specific information only held by the individual or family is required to access it. As well, it is much easier to submit reports because they are sent directly to CLBC.

“The new online reporting system is an easier, direct way to record banking information and it provides a paper trail of all records. Reporting doesn’t take long to do and you can do it from the comfort of your home,” says Heather McLean who has been using direct funding for 10 years. “Once you start using the new system, your information stays in the system, meaning you don’t have to enter it again and again. It also tells you when you have made a mistake.”

Helpful videos developed by VELA and CLBC walk people step-by-step through the online reporting process.

Product of partnership

To help people learn the easy steps to submit reports through the Direct Funding Financial Reporting System, VELA Canada partnered with CLBC to develop two instructional videos. There is a video for individuals and families with Standard Agreements and a video for those with Simplified Agreements. These videos, along with updated Managing the Money Guides for Simplified and Standard Agreements, Q & As and helpful system hints, can be found on the CLBC website at www.communitylivingbc.ca/IF.

“The tutorial video from VELA is really helpful for learning how to use the new system,” says Heather. “I only needed to watch the video twice and then I was ready to use it.”

VELA is also available to help if you have any questions about how to use this new reporting system, by calling 604-539-2488, extension 3. There is also the option of contacting your local CLBC office, and contact information for all CLBC offices is available online here.

*CLBC knows not everyone is comfortable with online reporting or has access to a computer. Individuals and families receiving under $6,000 per year in Direct Funding still have the option to submit spending reports to CLBC Accounts by mail or fax.

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