On May 26, 2023, the newly formed Home Sharing Support Society BC (HSSSBC) is holding its first open house & you are invited!
HSSSBC is very excited to meet everyone and would like to greet those who have a connection to Home Sharing, including persons being served, their families, Home Share providers, Coordinators, funders and any organizations with a connection to Home Sharing.
The open house will be an opportunity to meet the HSSSBC Board of Directors and staff & learn more about what they have accomplished since being formed and where they will be going next.
The Home Sharing Support Society BC’s mission is to enhance and support the sustainability and quality of Home Sharing and other housing options for adults with developmental disabilities throughout British Columbia.
To register, click here.
Need More Info?
Web: www.homesharingbc.ca
Email: info@homesharingbc.ca
HSSSBC looks forward to seeing you!