Make sure you are prepared for B.C.’s wildfire season

The recent evacuations in the province due to wildfires are a reminder of this risk and we want to help ensure the individuals we serve who may be impacted are prepared and kept safe.

CLBC-funded service providers are required to have an emergency plan to support individuals who receive staffed residential or home sharing services in an emergency, such as an evacuation due to a wildfire.

If you live or work in an area at risk of wildfire, it’s important that you take time to get ready for one and have a plan. Being aware and prepared is the key to staying safe during the wildfire season. There are activities that you can do to prepare personally at home:

  • Prepare by using resources with Emergency Info BC, where you can find the Wildfire Preparedness Guide and announcements on new fires, evacuation alerts and evacuation orders.
  • Make a plan with your family and those who support you about how you will communicate if separated.
  • Pre-pack a grab and go bag (include necessities like medication)

We hope you will remain unaffected this wildfire season. However, if you have to be evacuated from your home, please call your local CLBC office to let us know you have arrived safely to an evacuation centre, and you can also call us for support and assistance due to the evacuation.

Please consider taking the time now to add your local CLBC office phone number to your plan.

You can find a full list of CLBC offices and contact information here.

CLBC monitors official sources such as Emergency Management BC and regional districts for information on evacuation alerts or orders. You can find more information:

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