CLBC recognizes Indigenous Disability Awareness Month in November

Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO

Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO.

A message from CEO Ross Chilton

CLBC is pleased to join our partners and government in recognizing Indigenous Disability Awareness Month in November. The month highlights and celebrates the unique contributions First Nations, Métis and Inuit people living with disabilities make to communities throughout the province.

You can read Minister Shane Simpson’s statement on Indigenous Disability Awareness Month here.

Strengthening relationships with Indigenous individuals, families and communities is a top priority for Community Living BC. Our goal is for our approaches and services to reflect and respect Indigenous cultures and values.

CLBC’s Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) includes representatives from across the province and provides guidance from an Indigenous worldview perspective. The IAC provides valuable input into how CLBC can better understand the needs and improve service delivery to Indigenous people.

One of the organizations represented on the IAC is the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS). B.C. became the first province in Canada to dedicate November to Indigenous people with disabilities in 2015, acting on a recommendation from BCANDS. In partnership with the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship, BCANDS is holding an event to recognize Indigenous Disability Awareness Month on November 22 in Kelowna at the University of British Columbia. For more information about this event, please see the poster here and visit the EventBrite page to register for this free event.

I hope you will join us in recognizing this important month in communities across B.C.

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