Prince George asks: What does inclusion mean to you?

PG Page 2On October 6, 2015, the North Region Community Council hosted the Celebration of Inclusion: What does inclusion mean to you? event at the Main Branch of the Prince George Public Library. It was a big success with over 40 people attending, including self advocates, family members, caregivers and other support people, community council members, CLBC staff, and community members.

Activities at the event included welcoming remarks from Gord Robertson, North Region Community Council Chair, welcoming remarks from Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation Michelle Stilwell, and local MLAs Minister Shirley Bond and Parliamentary Secretary Mike Morris, read by constituency assistant, Charlotte Groot, and the entire class from the Adventure Seekers program at the College of New Caledonia attending to participate in the fun. Once the formal part of the event was over, everyone was invited to leave their hand print in paint on a canvas which will be displayed in the local CLBC office as a visual of what inclusion means.

“It was a bit messy but everyone had fun leaving their mark. We all enjoyed the opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxing, informal setting,” said Gord.


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