Hot off the press – CLBC Accessibility First Year Progress Report

The cover of CLBC's Accessibility Plan Year 1 Progress Report.Community Living BC (CLBC) is excited to announce the release of the first CLBC Accessibility Progress Report, which includes an Easy Read Version. This report provides a detailed update on the actions taken by CLBC in the first year of implementing our Accessibility Plan, from September 2023 to September 2024.

In June 2021, the B.C. government introduced the Accessible British Columbia Act, which requires all government organizations, including CLBC, to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility for people with disabilities.

The CLBC Accessibility Plan outlines CLBC’s steps to address and prevent barriers over a three-year period (2023-2026) in collaboration with the CLBC Accessibility Committee who plays a key role in advising on actions, reviewing feedback, and helping us measure progress. While we know there is much work to be done to become a fully accessible organization, we are proud of the steps we have taken in our first year.

People and families who are eligible to receive support from CLBC experience unique accessibility barriers. Accessibility planning at CLBC is an opportunity to learn from the leadership of people we serve in building awareness of accessibility and inclusion through this specific disability lens. It is also an opportunity to learn from our employees about what an inclusive and accessible workplace looks like to them.

You can learn more about Accessibility at CLBC on our website here.

CLBC wants to gather feedback about accessibility to better understand barriers that people with disabilities face when interacting with us. This can include barriers faced when:

  • getting information from CLBC
  • visiting CLBC offices
  • talking with CLBC staff
  • working at CLBC

You can find information about how to share your feedback, request an alternate format, or ask for an explanation of information on our website here.

We’d like to extend a special thank you to both the CLBC Accessibility Committee and Staff Working Group for their guidance and support in this first year of putting the Accessibility Plan in to action. We look forward to strengthening accessibility at CLBC over the coming year and beyond!

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