“If you are thinking about starting a business, my advice is to be patient. Marketing materials are also important, like having business cards and a website.” – Alison Shubrook
by Alison Shubrook
The name of my business is Alison Shops For You. I have a personal shopping business that shops at Costco. My responsibilities include sending out weekly order forms to my customers, shopping for their orders, delivering orders, tracking money payments and sending out receipts after each shopping trip.
I started my business by first working alongside an employment facilitator who helped to brainstorm ideas. Once we came up with the idea to shop for people at Costco, I had help to make a business plan.
The things I like about my business are pushing the shopping cart, seeing my favorite cashiers and customers, driving to the different drop off locations, making money and hanging out with my job coach.
If you are thinking about starting a business, my advice is to be patient. It takes time to earn money. Marketing materials are also important, like having business cards and a website. It’s really important to stay on top of finances.One of the challenges of my business is finding new customers. The other challenge is that I don’t drive and so have to organize my business around the support of someone who has a car.
The best part about having my own business is that I get to spend time where I love to shop. It gives me independence and I’m my own boss.