photo credit: Langley Times
Langley A&W owner Nick Nuraney and operations manager John Archibald are being recognized today with a Widening Our World (WOW) award from CLBC for creating a positive, inclusive workplace for people with developmental disabilities.
Nick is a franchise owner of six A&W locations in Langley who started hiring people with disabilities over 20 years ago. Currently employing 11 people with diverse abilities, Nick believes that having a diverse and inclusive workplace is a win-win for everyone – the individual, the business, and the community. Nick works with John, his Operations Manager, who shares a passion for inclusivity and recognizes the importance of providing adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to be part of a team and contribute to their community.
Nick and John were nominated by Raeleen Castle from the Langley Association for Community Living’s Partners in Employment Services for their commitment to inclusive hiring and for consistently giving people with diverse abilities the opportunity to thrive in their positions.
Nick and John are among four WOW award recipients for 2017. Three other WOW Awards are being presented to British Columbians who are making inclusion a reality for people with developmental disabilities in their communities. They are:
- South Surrey – Alexander Magnussen, self-advocate, for building awareness and creating greater understanding at provincial and national levels to help schools and community better include people with diverse abilities.
- Saanich – Peggy Nancarrow, community member, for providing the people CLBC serves with opportunities to build relationships and confidence through music.
- Nanaimo – Eve Reinarz, service provider, for developing services and grassroots community building initiatives that build independence and connect people to their community.
Each year, the WOW awards invite British Columbians to nominate someone they think is creating opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to lead full lives, have rich relationships, make choices in how they live, and access employment opportunities. CLBC received 47 nominations for its ninth annual awards process and winners were chosen by an evaluation committee of community members, CLBC community council members, CLBC staff and people served by CLBC.
Nominations for the WOW Awards were submitted throughout October and November 2017, and selection took place in December. Click here for a full listing of people who were nominated for the awards in 2017, and the people who nominated them.
Hon. Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
“The WOW awards recognize people who have gone above and beyond to build a more inclusive community. Nick and John have done just that. They make Langley a more welcoming and diverse place and inspire others to contribute as well. I appreciate those who actively work toward ensuring everyone has a voice in our society, an opportunity to contribute and to feel like they belong.”
Seonag Macrae, CLBC CEO
“I want to congratulate Nick and John for receiving a WOW award this year. It is clear from the nominations received that there is a wealth of innovative ideas, activities and initiatives being spearheaded by community champions across the province. Nick and John have developed a workplace that allows people to build on their skills, increase their self-confidence and gain greater independence. They have shown that real change comes with action and not just words.”
Raeleen Castle, Nominator
“When Nick hired inclusively over 20 years ago, he was a pioneer, setting a standard for how a business should run. It’s been an amazing experience for everyone and I am so proud of the accomplishments that have been made. John and Nick give people the opportunity to explore employment through work trials and for those that decide working at A&W is a good fit; they offer full or part-time employment. At work, staff are learning valuable skills, making lifelong friends and earning money to buy the things they need and want. When a new A&W location is being built, John and Nick are already working with us to discuss who will be hired upon opening. ”
Nick Nuraney, A&W Franchise Owner and WOW Award Winner
“I am honoured to be a WOW Award recipient. A&W has always embraced inclusive hiring practices. 20 years ago, I made the decision to have a workplace that is inclusive and open to anyone. There are so many convincing reasons to hire people who live with a diverse ability. John and I will continue to share the importance of inclusive hiring practices with the business community and our stores will always be examples of the benefits of inclusive employment.”
John Archibald, A&W Operations Manager and WOW Award Winner
“I am truly excited to receive this award, and help other employers recognize the skills adults with developmental disabilities can contribute to the workplace. People who live with a disability have the right to work at jobs they enjoy, to earn a fair wage, and to feel valued as employees.”
Community Living BC
Phone: 604-209-7608