Sharing stories that inform and inspire

The logo of Self Advocate Net showing many people holding hands and standing in a circle around the world.For 25 years, Self Advocate Net has been an informative and impactful online hub for self-advocates across B.C.

CLBC would like to congratulate Self Advocate Net and acknowledge Bryce Schaufelberger’s continued leadership in using this website to share disability-related news and stories from people with lived experiences.

Self Advocate Net publishes up to four stories a month and pays $100 for each story published. For 2024, Self Advocate Net is looking for positive stories of success. These stories encourage others and are an awesome way to celebrate achievements.

If you have a story you would like to share, visit and click the Submit a Story Idea button on the homepage.

Below is an example of a recent success story published on Self Advocate Net.

My employment success story

by Raymond Vannatter

A man stands next to an outdoor sign that says Bethlehem Centre. There is a large hedge in the background.

Raymond’s job at Bethlehem Centre is a source of confidence and happiness in his life.

My name is Raymond and I work at Bethlehem Retreat Center in Nanaimo, B.C. I have been working there for almost a year and a half.

Bethlehem Retreat Center is a place where individuals and groups can explore spirituality and seek non-judgmental sacred spaces for contemplation, learning and community. Many people visit and stay for many days.

I love where I work! My job is to clean the rooms after the guests leave. I make the beds, take out the garbage, vacuum and help maintain the property.

Bethlehem Retreat Center is a great place to work because the people there are so kind and friendly. They are flexible and understanding, encouraging and generous. We are like a big family.

Having a job like this has been a dream come true. You see, at the age of twelve I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the digestive tract.

I have been in and out of the hospital most of my life and have had many complications with my health. I have not been able to keep a job for more than five months at a time due to my poor health until last year, when I started taking more effective medication.

Since then, I have never been healthier! I feel strong, confident and the happiest I’ve been. I’m grateful for my health, happiness and job.

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