Provincial results from the 2019/20 include Me! quality of life survey are now posted on the CLBC website here. This was the first year the survey was conducted in all five regions of the province.
In addition to the provincial results, a storyboard and summary report were produced for, and provided to, each participating service provider. Service provider summary reports include additional information and comparisons that may be useful when interpreting results.
One of the key findings was that the three Well-Being domains – Emotional Well-Being, Physical Well-Being, and Material Well-Being – continue to be rated the highest among 2019/20 include Me! respondents, suggesting individuals continue to feel good about their emotional, physical, and material well-being. You can read about other key findings in the full Overall Summary Report.
The 2019/20 survey included a new gender-based analysis across all survey years, which revealed that men and women are achieving similar outcomes across the majority of quality of life domains. However, men were more likely to have a paid job, to have support to get a paid job, and were more likely to be able to get around their community, compared to women.
Also new to the 2019/20 round of include Me! were two housing questions designed to assess certain aspects of housing that may impact respondents’ quality of life. The large majority of respondents indicated they like the room in the home where they live – a positive finding given that Housing Satisfaction was found to be moderately positively correlated with all but one of the quality of life domains. Slightly less than one-half of respondents reported that they live with family members, such as their parent, grandparents or siblings, suggesting almost one-half of individuals may rely on family members to provide them with housing.
A separate ‘Housing and Quality of Life-Special Report’ housing report was produced with the analysis from the two new housing questions to help CLBC develop a better understanding of the impact of housing on quality of life and how to best meet the housing needs of individuals they support.
This year, we again administered the Quality of Life survey with a large sample of the B.C. general population, expanding surveying efforts to include residents from all five CLBC regions (Vancouver Coastal, South Fraser, Southern Interior, North / Thompson-Cariboo, and Vancouver Island). In 2015/16 the survey was administered to a sample of the B.C. general population but only in the Vancouver Coastal, South Fraser and Southern Interior regions.
The new 2019/20 General Population data, was compared to that of the CLBC supported individuals, based on their 2019/20 include Me! survey responses. Statistically significant differences were found between groups; include Me! respondents provided scores considerably lower than the general population on the Rights, Self-Determination and Emotional Well-Being domains.
The 2020/21 surveying period has been put on hold due to COVID-19. We look forward to surveying again in the future. By 2022-23, CLBC expects that individuals served by all large agencies will have had an opportunity to participate. Service providers will repeat the survey on a three or four year basis.
If you have questions or want more information about include Me!, please contact:
Nadine Frisk – Project Manager / Project Lead
Southern Interior / North & Thompson-Cariboo
Dawn Kennedy – Project Lead
Vancouver Coastal / South Fraser / Vancouver Island