CLBC Board members visit Victoria programs

During their visit to Victoria, members of the CLBC Board of Directors met with the South Island Community Council to hear about their work and priorities.

CLBC Board Chair Tom Christensen, and members Jane Holland and David Everett, visited B.C.’s capital city, Victoria, on October 10, 2017, to meet service providers, hear about their programs, and speak with the individuals who benefit from them. Their visit was part of the Board’s efforts to learn about the needs and opportunities in communities around the province.

The Board visited three South Island service providers.  At GT Hiring Solutions, an agency that delivers employment services, they learned about their work with other agencies and the WorkBC program. They met with Lifetime Networks of Victoria, a non-profit started by parents to create personal support networks, to discuss their role in live testing a new CLBC community inclusion service being developed through the Advancing New Support Options (ANSO) project. They also met with Garth Homer Society to learn about their involvement in the Nigel Valley Housing development that will redevelop 12 parcels of land to a mix of housing types and social service programming spaces.

“We thank these dedicated South Island agencies for their warm welcome and their openness in sharing the challenges and benefits they are facing when working to expand options available to the people CLBC serves,” said Tom. “Learning about what is happening on the ground is not only enriching but helps the Board understand the needs and priorities of the different areas of the province to better inform our own decision making.”

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