CLBC celebrates Community Inclusion Month 2018

Message from CLBC CEO Seonag Macrae:

The Province of British Columbia has proclaimed October as Community Inclusion Month to celebrate the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in our neighbourhoods, towns and cities across the province. Read the proclamation here.

This is the 20th year that our province is recognizing and celebrating the contributions of people with diverse abilities. We are committed to ensuring people of all abilities have the opportunity to participate fully in community life. We recognize the families, friends, caregivers, volunteers, community groups and employers who see the potential of everyone and work to create new opportunities and possibilities for all.

Progress for inclusion is made through actions big and small. This October, I invite you to participate in a community event, or take a small action to help make your community a more welcoming one. Each small step – like saying ‘Hi’, shopping at a store where the owner employs people with differing abilities, or ensuring your social club welcomes everyone – can add up to a big contribution and gets us closer to realizing the vision of inclusive communities for everyone.

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