Since 2009, CLBC has presented Widening Our World (WOW) Awards to recognize British Columbians who are inclusion champions. Over 600 nominations have been received, with 67 winners being honoured for their commitment to making sure people with diverse abilities are leading full lives, have rich relationships and choice in how they live, work and play.
The 2021 WOW Awards
This year we are asking you to nominate someone who has helped you (or many people) get through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Birgit Giesser, Music Therapist, was chosen as a 2020 WOW! Award winner for transforming her centre-based music therapy program to a mobile and digital outreach service.
You can nominate a friend, family member, home sharing provider, support worker, employer or community member. If there is someone who has encouraged you to stay positive, connected, and healthy during the pandemic, then we want to hear about it!
How to Nominate Someone
Nominating someone is easy. You can fill out an online nomination form, or you can find a printable PDF form here (including instructions for mailing it in).
When completing the nomination form, please provide as much information as possible about why you are nominating someone and how they have helped someone stay healthy and positive during the pandemic. The nomination forms are what help the WOW selection committee make their decisions.
Nominations are open August 5, 2020 to September 9, 2021 at 5 p.m.
Winners will be announced in October, during Community Inclusion Month.
Please share this information with your networks and encourage the people you know to send in their nominations so we can recognize and honour people who are going above and beyond during COVID-19.
Questions can be sent to: or you can visit the WOW webpage here for more information.
We look forward to receiving your nomination!