Applications open for 2015 CLBC-BCGEU Scholarship Fund

Applications open today for a $100,000 scholarship fund that assists adults with developmental disabilities with personal or professional development.

Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) and the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) co-sponsor the fund, established as part of their 2012 collective agreement. The fund is open to B.C. adults receiving CLBC funding and is being distributed over five years, starting in 2014.

The fund’s scope was developed based on feedback from self-advocates, families, service providers and CLBC staff. Scholarships can be for any amount up to a maximum of $2,500 for:

  • skills training related to securing employment opportunities;
  • training courses being offered by accredited B.C. institutions;
  • indirect costs associated with attending post-secondary education and training; or
  • community recreation activities that promote quality of life and new skills.

The application deadline is April 10 and recipients will be announced this spring. The funding can be used anytime during 2015, but is not transferable if the recipient’s plans change.

CLBC-funded adults may obtain application forms from local CLBC offices or at CLBC’s website, by phoning toll-free to 1-877-660-2522, or by emailing: Information on the scholarships is also available at BCGEU’s website at or at


Seonag Macrae, CLBC CEO:
“CLBC funds over 17,000 adults, many of whom want to work and can use this scholarship to get employment training. Our focus is on employment first and this is a great chance to get a head start. We also encourage people who choose not to work to consider taking something personally meaningful for them.”
Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President:
“We believe that the CLBC/BCGEU scholarship fund helps empower self-advocates, families and other individuals supporting adults with developmental disabilities wanting to pursue post-secondary education, courses and other training. We are proud to represent around 450 workers at CLBC and to have bargained this fund into existence. Good luck to everyone applying!”

Charles Partridge, BCGEU-CLBC Bargaining Unit Chair:
“BCGEU members working at CLBC are very excited and honoured to able to offer the CLBC-BCGEU joint Scholarship Fund to eligible individuals for a second year running. The fund was extremely well received last year, and nearly 30 individuals from across B.C. were granted awards totalling about $20,000, to pursue exciting educational, training and recreational opportunities in their communities.”

 Media Contact:

Randy Schmidt
Communications Director
Community Living British Columbia

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