Help make sure your community includes everyone. Join a CLBC Community Council

Community-CouncilCLBC’s 13 Community Councils are looking for individuals who love their local communities and want to help make them welcoming places for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Who can join a CLBC Community Council?

CLBC has 13 Community Councils across the province, each made up of seven to 15 individuals who bring unique experiences and perspectives, but who all have a passion for breaking down barriers where they live and work. While they include individuals served by CLBC, and their families, they may also include professionals from service providers, community and business leaders, and members of local colleges and universities.

CLBC wants to encourage people from smaller B.C communities, diverse cultural groups, and First Nations communities to join a council.  A wide range of collective life experiences and perspectives is vital to CLBC and your community.

What do CLBC Community Councils do?

Community Councils encourage, inspire, lead and support community inclusion and participation of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life. Councils pay particular attention to the daily experiences of people with developmental disabilities in their region. For example:

  • In what ways do people feel welcome in your community?
  • What contributes to people  feeling unwelcome, avoided, invisible or isolated?
  • What needs to change so that all people enjoy the benefits and share the responsibilities of living together in community?

CLBC Community Councils build awareness of inclusion issues where they live by helping planning local events, like photo and video contests. They help build local partnerships to build broad support for inclusion among employers and community groups. They also provide opportunities for local individuals and families to meet and share information through workshops and open houses.

How do Community Councils work?

Most CLBC Community Councils meet once a month to discuss the issues that are important in their local areas. Every Council decides on their own local activities, and receive support from their local CLBC Community Planning and Development manager.

Learn more about joining your Community Council

By joining a council you can make a real difference – for individuals with diverse abilities, and for all in the community who will benefit from their contributions. To find the Community Council closest to you, go to the link below. If you are unsure which Community Council is closest to you, contact Sylvie Zebroff at 250.470.8327 or email:

Find your local CLBC Community Council

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