White Rock’s Triple Flip is a clothing store that believes in empowering young girls to be confident and able to express their unique selves. They also believe in empowering individuals with diverse abilities.
Triple Flip at Morgan Crossing won an Innovative Labour Solutions Award last year. The Awards are organized by the City of Surrey, the Rotary Club of Surrey, Rotary at Work BC, Milieu Family Services, Community Living BC, and WorkBC and recognizes employers and businesses in Surrey and surrounding areas that are creating a welcoming workplace where everyone feels valued and respected, and generating meaningful employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities.
Right from the moment that the Triple Flip team became aware of Milieu Family Services Customized Employment Program, they were on board. The team advocated to their head office for a chance to work with and create a diverse workforce. The first step was to do a situational assessment.
Co-Managers Alyssa and Taryn (pictured above, left and right) met with potential employee Krista (centre) and they knew she wold be a great fit for the team. They worked together with Milieu’s Customised Employment staff to get Krista to a place where she is fully independent at work and is able to take on new roles and challenges.
“Krista has been part of the team for more than two year’s and we wouldn’t change a thing,” says co-manager Taryn. “With Krista, it is all about little achievements. We treat her like any other employee in the store, giving her goals for her shifts, and having her help customers.”
Krista is responsible for dressing mannequins in the store, doing regular cleaning tasks, and helping to fill customer bags at the cash desk. “We support Krista by being her friend, and showing her that she’s just as much a part of this team as everyone else,” said co-manager Alyssa. “Krista was just recently given a new task — to help do the display that is within the cash desk. This task is slightly more complex, but she is really starting to get good at it!”
“We feel very honoured that we are recognized as an Inclusive employer, “said Taryn. “We hope that by having people like Krista in our store it helps to open the door to many who are unable to get jobs. We also hope it helps to remove any stigma around the idea of disabilities, because everyone has strengths and weaknesses and should be looked at and treated the same.”
More Information
For more information on how to become an inclusive employer please visit: readywillingable.ca
The 2015 Labour Solutions Award event will take place on October 1, at Eaglequest Golf Course, 7778-152 Street, Surrey. Register by September 24, 5 pm online at: awards.surreyrotary.ca
For more information on Triple Flip visit their website at: tripleflip.ca