Below are some of the great stories published on Self Advocate Net during this October’s Community Living Month. Visit the homepage under Our Stories to read more stories, and check back as new stories are published weekly.
People with diverse abilities have the right to a job
By Earl Gregson
I am a self advocate from Victoria, B.C. I feel people with diverse abilities have the right to say yes to wanting a job. Click here to read the full story.
Our speed dating / friending event
By Cheryl Fryfield
My friend Meredith and I planned a speed dating/friending event which took place in September. Click here to read the full story.
Breaking silence on mental health
By Krystian Shaw
There is a lot of stigma around mental illness because we don’t understand it, we fear it. Knowledge increases understanding which in turn will lessen the stigma. Click here to read the full story.
If you are interested in submitting a story idea, or you know a self advocate with an interesting story idea, visit the “Submit Your Story Idea” page on Self Advocate Net to fill out the short on-line suggestion form.
Each month, publishes stories highlighting the contributions, abilities and leadership of self advocates and people with diverse abilities from around BC.
The site was started almost 15 years ago by two self advocate leaders in the Fraser Valley, Bryce Schaufelberger and Joe Rickley, who continue to run the site, now with support from CLBC’s Editorial Board. You can visit here.